Friday, September 23, 2011

Assembly Line Challenge

# of achievements: 19

Class Achievements:

"Implementation" - Implement an assembly line system that meets the criteria and constraints of the challenge.
  • We built the 1st mark station
"Fast!" - The system is able to complete a cycle of 6 dice in less than 1:30.
  • We never timed 6 cubes, but we did time 4
    • The time for 4 cubes was 1:37, and that was fairly close to 1:30
      • There were a couple errors that came with that, so the time would have been better if all the cubes ran through smoothly.
"Stewardship" - Return all Fischertechnik to appropriate storage upon completion of challenge. Leave the room cleaner than before the start of the game.
  • Along with putting my stuff away, I have been working to clean the whole organizer set in the front of the classroom

Team Achievements:

"Flash of Inspiration" - Brainstorm a solution for your section of the assembly line with a sketch.

"If you Build It..." - Implement a solution for your section of the assembly line.

"Proof is in the Pudding" - Implement a solution for your section of the assembly line that successfully operates with adjacent sections.
  • We had a few errors at first, but then we fixed them with different programming
    • ours ran exactly how we wanted and continued running

"Round and Round We Go" - Iterate on your initial implementation. Explain the challenge you discovered off the first effort and what you did to overcome it.
  • First problem: the cube would fall off the side of the assembly line
    • fixed by: adding walls so the cube would stay on

"Round and Round We Go... Again" - Iterate again on your implementation. Explain the next challenge you discovered with your design and what you did to solve it.
  • Second Challenge: The rubber band for the motor kept falling off the wheel
    • Fixed by: taking out one of the wheels and then just changing the speed of the line on the robopro (best solution but it took a long time to discover!!!) 

"Videography" - Capture video of the project in action.

"No Soliciting" - Generate at least one item of feedback from other teams relating to your solution for each of the four feedback types (Sustain, Change, Question, Idea).

"Lab Rat" - Collect data related to your implementation. Explain what you collected and how you used it.
  • We colleted data on how fast our part of the assembly line worked (4 times)
  • We timed from the moment the cube fell onto the belt, and then stopped the time when it left the belt.
  • We used this data in a chart in order to graph it, so we could see what the average speed was

"Show Me" - Visualize your data in a useful format. Explain your choice of presentation.

  • I decided to use a chart to visualize my data
    • I tried making a graph with all the data, but with so many numbers it was very hard to visualize the data in an easy-to-read manner

"Leave no Trace" - Return your fischertechnik to their appropriate storage locations/clean your work space.
  • I have been working not only to put my stuff away, but to clean and reorganize the whole fischertecknik kit up at the front of the classroom
    • VERY HARD I must say!!

Individual Achievements:

"Share It" - Provide feedback (Sustain, Change, Question, Idea) for another team. Who did you provide feedback to and what was it?

  • The feedback was for Andrew and Rafe
    • They constructed the start of the assembly line piece

"Keep the Customer in Mind" - Your blog post is formated in a readable, professional manner. Writing is short and concise. Spacing is used to break up thoughts/concepts. Lists and/or bullet points are used as appropriate. No "monolithic" paragraphs.
  • I have learned from last year paragraphs are not easy or fast to read so I avoided those!
    • Instead I used short bullets to explain my thoughts

"Nice One!" - Identify a student from outside of your team that was most helpful to your efforts. Be specific about how they were helpful.
  • Gustavo was the most helpful
    • Since Morgan and I are new at programming, he helped us program the light sensor on the assembly line
      • This helped us time the marker to mark the cube at the perfect time

"Helping Hand" - List a student that you helped outside of your team. How were you helpful to them?
  • I helped Andrew and Rafe
    • A message came up and said they needed to do something and I helped them notice their power was off on the programer
    • Also since they are group 1 and we are group 2 I helped them figure out how to build their project
      • Helped with speed, and a more efficient way of sorting the dice

"Meta Gamer" - Based on our grading system for this challenge, explain the benefit of earning the class achievements, even though everyone scores them when earned (use math to justify your case).
  • Benefits:
    • if you earn all the class achievements you will be caught up with everyone else and not lack any points
    • if you earn the class achievements and you have all the other achievements you will be the stabalizer for the grades
      • Math: 10 class achievements + 18 other achievements= all acievements (A+)
      • 10 class achievements + 10 other achievements= 20 achievements
    • But if you earn all the achievements and don't earn all the others, at least you are getting some points even if you don't get all of them

"And the Winners Are..." - Recognize class participation by selecting one person other than yourself for each of our five activity awards (Initiative, Sportsmanship, Collaboration, Humor, ...what's the fifth one we have up on the board?!)
  • Initiative: Gustavo
  • Sportsmanship: Morgan  
  • Collaboration: Andrew Cuban
  • Humor: Rafe
  • Improvisation: Hunter

This is jsut the programming we used. Thought it was cool so I posted it!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Visual Visualization

The units for the first column of data is in cm, and the second column is in newtons (N). The reationship of force vs. distance is exponential. You can tell because the graph starts off moving in little incriments but then it shoots up, and will continue to grow at rapid rates.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We need to store a bike to living space from being taken up.
have two hooks on the ceiling and then hang the bike by its tires
have two hooks on the wall and then hang the bike by its tires (better for dorms with tall ceilings)
if you have a balcony, just get a bike lock and lock your bike outside
put your bike on the shelf that is usually present in the closet
require a foldable bike for all people on campus, and make the expense part of the dorm fee (bike when folded could be stored on the shelf in the closet)
bike storage
easy to assemple
no permanent damage

Dicision Matrix
***Best one has the least total points

CAD Models


4 Quadrant Feedback

Thanks for an awesome year! I learned a lot. Eventhough it was challenging at times this class was awesome!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Locker Assignment

I was absent on Friday when we did this assignment in class becuase I had to take an AP exam. I got as much done as possible, but it is not completely finished!!
Design Phase
Identify the Problem--
  • Lockers are a mess, design something to help organize them. 
Investigate the CHS lockers--
  • Regular Locker Dimensions
    • Width-10 in.
    • Height-17 in.
    • depth-11 in.
  • Football Locker Dimensions
    • Width- 14 in.
    • Height- 45.5 in.
    • Depth- 17 in.
Brainstorm Solutions--
  • Regular Locker:
    • 1st:
      • Have two shelves on the right side of the locker
      • Have a hook on the inside on the left side for backpack
    • 2nd:
      • Have one shelf on the top and one shelf on the bottom
    • 3rd:
      • Have a drawer on the bottom for pencils and paper
      • Have a shelf on the right side
      • Have hooks on the left side for hanging
  • Football Locker
    • 1st:
      • Have two shelves on the top on the locker for shoes, and padding
      • Have a bar below those two shelves for jersey's
    • 2nd:
      • Have one shelf on the top and then another shelf on the bottom
      • Have a bar below the top shelf
Sketch Three Possible Solutions (include labels and important dimensions)
Identify Criteria and Constraints
1. Design a locker on the CAD software
1. Design must fit within your school locker.
2. Easy to install.
3. Must hold 20 lbs of books and binders.
4. No flammable materials.
Select an Approach (justify selection with specifics)--
  • Football locker
    • One shelf on top for pads or helmet
    • One shelf on bottom for shoes
    • A bar below the top shelf for jersey, and jacket
Prototype Phase
Craft your design in CAD:
-Use an assembly of parts.
---Create an Isometric view of your assembly.
---Create a multiview drawing.
-----Label your multiview drawing with dimensions.
Each student will do their own CAD work (You may collaborate in and outside of your team but the actual work must be your own).

Friday, April 29, 2011

IDEO Shopping Cart

1. “From the buildings in which we live and work, to the cars we drive, or the knives and forks with which we eat, everything we use was designed to create some sort of marriage between _________________ and _________________.” Form and Function

2. The folks at IDEO state that they are not experts in any given area. But, they do claim to be experts on the ____________________, which they apply to the innovation of consumer products. process that they design stuff like the toothbrush...

3. After the team of designers is brought together, told the problem, and informed they have five days to “pull it off,” what phase of the design process do they immediately engage in? brainstorming designs

4. Give two examples of what the team members did during this phase.

a. drew sketches of the ideas they had
b. went to places where the people actually design and make shopping carts, and asked what they think

5. List five rules-of-thumb that IDEO employees follow when they share ideas during the brainstorming phase:

a. one conversation at a time
b. stay focused
c. encourage wild ideas
d. defer judgement

e. build on the ideas of others

6. Why should wild (and sometimes crazy) ideas be entertained during the brainstorming phase?
in order to stay focused

7. After the brainstorming phase was over, the team narrowed down the hundreds of ideas by _____________ for those ideas that were not only “cool” but also _________________ in a short period of time. What phase of the design process is this called?

looking, could be designed
Research and Generate Ideas

8. IDEO believes that the ideas and efforts of a ______________ will always be more successful than the planning of a lone genius.
trial and error

9. Once the ideas were narrowed down and divided into categories, the group was split into four smaller teams. What phase(s) of the design process was each of these groups responsible for?
Select an Approach
Almost like they went through 6-12 of the design process and then got into a bigger group and went straight to 6 again.

10. The leaders at IDEO believe that ________________ behavior and a ______________ environment are two important reasons why their employees are able to think quickly and creatively to produce innovative results.
working together, cahotic

11. Sometimes, people come up with great solutions that work by trying their ideas first, and asking for _________________ later.

12. Design is often a process of going too far and having to take a few steps back. What phase of the design process would the critique of the four mock-ups come under?
Explore Possibilities

13. Upon critique of the four teams’ models, it was obvious that none of the teams had developed an optimum solution. However, the people at IDEO believe that it is important to _____________ often in order to _____________ sooner.
fail, succeed

14. What percentage of the entire week’s time did it take to fabricate the final prototype?
it took 1 day aka a lot of hours to finish it

15. Instead of showering his design team with a tremendous amount of praise, what did the boss require his employees to do with their new design?
go to the local supermarket, and get other people's opinions

16. Of all the things that we are surrounded by every day, what has not been placed through the design process?
Everything in nature, but other than that everything has been put through the design process


1. What did you find to be the most impressive part of the team’s effort?
  • I thought it was impressive that the team worked so well together. Even if the team members did have a problem with another person it didn't show.
  • I also thought it was impressive that not one person did the whole project. Each person helped either by taking notes, drawing the design, or going to the supermarket. It really stands out when the whole team works together and not by themselves, much more efficient!!!
2. What advantages are there to having a design team with members that have non-engineering backgrounds?

3. There was a point in the process where a self-appointed group of adults stepped up, stopped the ideas, and redirected the group to break up into teams. Why was this done?

4. At the end of the video, Dave Kelly states, “Look around. The only things that are not designed are the things we find in nature.” Can you think of anything that would contradict this statement?
beaver damns- beavers have to design something in order to stop water and something to help them live in.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Glider in class test (4pts)



There was some confusion about this post. Emmet, Trent and I all had the same model. Honestly we all worked on it together, and I did the multiview drawing completely while Emmet watched how I did it. But, I know we were not supposed to work together on the glider. My computer freaked out after I had assembled the glider, and all the parts got saved, but the glider did not. I was in a time crunch and therefore used the glider that I helped work on with Trent and Emmet. If we would have had time in class on Thursday I probably could have finished, but I know the grades were supposed to be in so I put the same glider on my blog. I am sorry for having the same one, but I didn't want to have nothing on my blog.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Glider Challenge

The Grom Chillib Flyer
Design Phase: 
  1. Challenge: to design a glider that will fly the farthest, and a glider that will hang the longest in the air.
  2. Brainstorming rules: to discuss with all your group members to come up with the best designs that meet the criteria and the contraints.
      1. 1st rule: don't just use your own ideas, let others contribute and make a group effort to decide which one is the best.
      2. 2nd rule: draw the designs as you go so you don't forget!
    1. Ideas:
      1. have two wings, and one main part with paperclips in the front for weight
      2. have 4 wings, and one main part with paperclips on the front, and a bolt on the bottom for extra weight in the front.
      3. shape the wood in the front so it isn't squar, and then have two rectangular wings to provide the plane with more wing surface area.
    2. Sketches


  1. Criteria: make a glider with the given materials (tissue paper/computer paper, balsa wood, glue), tape, although many people added other materials
  2. Constraints: only allowed to use tissue paper or computer paper, certain amount of balsa wood, glue, and tape to construct a glider that beats everyone elses designs.
  3. Design:
CAD Model of The Grom Chillib Flyer
Test Phase

4 Quadrant Feedback Notes
  1. Have glider stay in the air the longest
  2. Have glider fly the longest distance
In the first round we won both the challenges, but in the second round Jordan and his group won the longest distance challege.
We could have our wings more flexible, so they move up and down (fluttering) in order to keep the air under the wings at all times!!

Looking Over the Challenge
  1. Our glider won both the longest distance, and the longest time in the air in the first round.
    1. We were pretty happy, but then in the second round Jordan and his group came out with a great glider that soared and flew pretty far! Impressive for sure!!
  2. Looking back at Jordan's glider, we would have made our wings able to move and flutter like theirs in order to keep the plane flying straight for a while!
    1. The wings fluttering helps keep the air underneath the glider longer!!