- Six Design Elements
- Line-vertical, horizontal, diagnol, and curved
- Color-warm (red, orange, yellow), cold (blue, green, purple)
- Color can affect how people feel
- Form/Shape-outline or configuration of something
- squares, circles, ovals, triangles, rectangles
- Space- open, cramped, unused vs good use of space
- Texture- rough (absorb more light), smooh (reflect more light, intense color)
- Value
- shade: lightness or darkness of a color
- tint: pale or faint variation of color
- Five Design Principles
- Balance- symmetrical (formal), asymmetrical (informal), horizontal, vertical, radial
- Rhythm- repeated use of line, shape, color, or texture
- regular, graduated, random, gradated
- Emphasis- points of attention, attracts one's eye, there is a focus point, most personal aspect
- Proportion/Scale- 3:5 Golden Mean
- Comparitive relationships (ex: big to small)
- Unity- harmonious, calm feeling
- Principles:
- Asymmetrical balance because it has one color in the left hand corner, and a different color in the right corner.
- Proportion and scale. The one is the left is bigger than the square in the right corner.
- Emphasis on the blue square becuase it is bigger, and it is a bold color as well
- Rhythm since there is a repetition of black lines in this picture
- Elements:
- Line in particular, there is vertical lines, and horizontal lines
- Color in this picture, blue being a cool color, and yellow being a warm color
- Shapes in this picture are squares, and rectangles.
- Principles:
- Asymmetrical balance since the tree is only on one side and it is not present on the left
- Emphasis present on the hotair balloon since the light is coming from behind and lighting it up, plus it is in the center as well
- Proportion and scale sicne the hotair balloon is farther and the tree is closer; the tree seems bigger becuase it is closer to us
- Unity becuase it almost seems harmonious andvery tranquil when looking at it
- Elements
- Curved line becuase of the balloon
- No color becuase it is black and white
- Shape and form becuase of the balloon and the shape is almost like an ellipse.
- Unused space which is the sky in the background, and used space which is the tree and the balloon
- Value becuase there is lightness and darkness. The clouds have some darkness to them in the botton and along the sides, but they get lighter towards the sun. The baloon and the tree are very dark though.
Before talking with Mr. Olsen, I didn't realize that a lot of objects have a lot of the princples and elements.
- Principles:
- Symmetrical balance. Not in that the designs are exactly identical on both sides, but the object its self is symmetrical. Since it is a rectangle, it can be folded in half and overlap perfectly
- Emphasis present in this picture because the words are bigger than the rest of the picture. The reason there is emphasis is because the company is trying to sell their product, and therefore want everyone to know the product they are selling
- Proportion, meaning the words in proportion to the rest of the picture are a lot bigger than the designs
- Elements:
- Lines, becuase of the words, and there are curved lines becuase of the leaf in the corner
- Cool colors which are blues and purples in this case
- Value going from the top being light to the bottom being a little bit darker blue. It provides more interest to the pack of gum
- Principles:
- Balance
- There is symmetrical balance in this picture, but it obviously wouldn't be perfect becuase it is wood, and not every groove in the same size.
- There is radial balance as well since it is a circle, and you can tell where the center is
- Emphasis: probably not intentional emphasis, but I know when I look at it, my eyes go right to the center where the line of the groove is a lot darker. It sicks out since it is longer than all the others, plus it's in the center.
- Rhythm in the piece because of the constant repetition of the grooves going in a circle
- Elements:
- Line, but it is not drawn line, so it is implied. Meaning it looks like there is an actual line drawn, but it is just the space in between the grooves
- No color: there really isn't any warm or cool color, just browns.
- Value: The fact that it gets darker in some spaces, and then lighter in others means there is value changes. Where it gets darker is showing that it is deeper in the wood.
- Texture, becuase it is a photo. There is actual texture in this picture, but you can also tell because light is being absorbed not reflected at all in any of this picture
- No specific shape: there isn't a specific shape present except the oval stump, but there are like little square type pieces of wood present.
- Principles:
- Rhythm, in specific it has the repetion of lines on each one of the wings. There are multiple repetions that are going on in this picture, including the dots as well.
- Balance, assymetrical balance to be exact. If you fold it over to the right it will be the exact same, and overlap perfectly, but if you fold it down it will not overlap perfect. Which means that there is vertical symmetry not horizontal.
- No emphasis: there is not really anything emphasized to me in this picture. When I look at it I just see the butterfly as a whole, not any one part in particular.
- No proportion and scale. The top wings are bigger than the bottom, but that doesn't mean there is proportion and scale becuase there is not another object the butterfly is being compared to.
- Elements:
- Curved line in this picture to make up the butterfly its self. But there are also curved lines within the object to make the designs on the wings.
- There is no color becuase it is a black and white picture.
- Shapes present: there are circle type things, ovals, and that is about it.
- This picture has no space because there is no background and it is not an actual object in 3D, meaning it actually doesn't take up space.
- There is no texture becuase it is photocopied or something
- There is no value. I mean there is a different between the black and the white, but there is no shading or anything present, just two colors; white and black.
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